IP7 Compass

System status


Last database update on 21.07.2024

Please note:

On 10. March 2024, we received an additional 1.1 million full texts from our data provider, mainly for older documents. If you have not activated a time limit in your automatic searches, you may receive a larger number of hits.

On 3. March 2024, a correction was made to the automatic searches and the folders from 1 January 2024. All documents that were in the folders of the automatic searches due to the separation of incorrect patent families with Indian documents were removed. Manual assignments to folders or manual removal from folders were taken into account. The exclusion lists of the automatic searches have also been adjusted.

In the update from 28.1.2024, we added full texts for a further 3.5 million patents. In the process, 145,000 Indian patents was added to the database. This may also lead to a more large number of results in the automatic searches. In addition, further Indian patent families were found whose patent family merge needs to be corrected. This correction was also be done in this update.

In the second calendar week there was another new reclassification (IPC/CPC). Due to our monitoring system, which recognises which patents have already been found and which have not, there may be larger numbers of results in your monitoring. Patents that subsequently match your search profile due to a reclassification are automatically listed as hits. You can narrow this down using our new relative date search. Further information can be found in our help centre at https://wiki.ip7.tech/wiki/EN:Date. In the next few days you will receive an e-mail whether your automatic searches are affected by patent reclassifications or not.

Because of the new patent database, we can now better assign Indian patents to patent families. This has resulted in corrections. The separation of incorrect patent families was problematic. As a result, there may now be “not relevant” patent documents in your folder. Please note that we receive around 800,000 corrections from the patent offices every week. Separations of patent families are therefore always possible, although not as frequent.

At the turn of the year, we activated a new database with more full texts and better machine translations. This could therefore lead to larger numbers of results in your searches.